Can photos create drama so that in the very same magazine you get more coverage? Can it cause customers to sign up quicker? Sounds bizarre, doesn’t it? Or does it? Because an unusual photo is well…an unusual photo. And that creates a uniqueness of sorts.
So how much mileage can a photo get you?
It surprised the heck out of me, and I think you’ll be surprised too!
First I have to make a confession
When I got the unusual photos taken, I wasn’t doing anything more than having a whole lot of fun. But as we submitted press releases to magazines, we noticed an interesting trend. When we’d meet customers at an event, they’d bring up the issue of the photo. And strange as it may sound, a lot of customers actually signed up and bought products as a result of seeing the photos.
So what’s the logic behind the photos?
1) In a world full of mug shots, these photos were unusual. So they stood out. Uniqueness Class 101.
2) The photos were fun to look at. People like to associate with people just like them. If they believe you’re fun to be with, they’ll have a greater affinity to you, based on the photo alone.
3) The photos weren’t one-dimensional. They were multi-dimensional and therefore told a visual story. They gave you an insight into the personality.
Ok, enough blah, blah…what were the results?
As I said, it surprised me as well. And here’s what we found…
Across two pages in a local magazine…And the article wasn’t even about Psychotactics. It was about the gloominess of the economy.
Same gloomy topic. Same magazine. Notice the difference in the coverage.
Magazine 2: Notice how the photo stands out in the unusual pose.
Magazine : Same magazine, and notice how the mug shot is ok, but ho-hum.
As I said, this photo stuff wasn’t a strategy
But it sure as hell is a strategy now. Because not only do the magazines love it, but customers love it. The photo stands out a lot, and customers tell us how they remember the photo. An interesting spin off, is that customers actually buy products and services based on what they read and see. And what they have to see are far from the normal.
Here are just some comments:
Haven’t you ever noticed how Sean’s picture is kinda sideways? It took me a lot of digging to figure out why… if you dig deep on the psychotactics site, in the about him section, you’ll find a ‘more pictures’ link in which you’ll find that he’s in this really strange position – kinda sideways standing up, legs crossed… just odd. Funny, the next week I signed up for 5000bc. Coincidence?
Erin Baniste
I ran into the same pictures, Drinking wine, standing on a bridge.. I just could not stand it any more.. He was having too much fun.. I wanted to be sideways too.
LOL. Yes, I’ve always remember Sean’s photos because they’re unusual. In these photos, Sean makes Psychotactics look like a dance maneuver. Move over Electric Boogaloo – Sean is dancing the PsychoChicken! I love it.
Can everyone pull off the PsychoChicken?
You don’t have to. You don’t have to be crazy. You just have to be yourself. A mug shot isn’t you at all. It’s a posed picture with a frozen smile on your face. So relax a bit. Have fun. And your customers will have fun with you. Plus you get all the publicity and added mileage with your uniqueness. Try it. We did and it works well.