“I’ve used yoor product. And it’s definately the best product I’ve ever used. It made our business grow by over 33% per cent in the last qarter. And I recomend your product to everyone I meet, becuase it’s the very best.”
Notice how distracted you were while reading that testimonial?
You so wanted to read the testimonial, but somehow the spelling mistakes kept you from concentrating.
The more you ran into spelling mistakes, the more you had to struggle to keep your focus on what was being said. You should have been running a 100 metre sprint, but instead you got stuck in a race with hurdles. And it frustrated the heck out of you.
Your prospect feels exactly the same when reading testimonials
No matter how earthy and wonderful the testimonial, your prospect goes bananas when trying to negotiate the spelling ‘hurdles.’ Sometimes, the prospect just gives up and reads no more. In many a case, the bad spelling contained in the testimonial bounces back on you, making your business less professional than it really is.
So what’s the verdict?
Should you or should you not correct a client’s testimonial? The answer is simple. Do you want your prospect to read, or be put off by what they’re reading? If you want the customer to read, then be sure to remove the ‘hurdles’ and present the client’s testimonials without spelling mistakes.
A testimonial without errors presents both you and the client (who gave you the testimonial) in a good light.
And best of all, it helps you sell.
Wasn’t that the reason why you put the testimonial up in the first place?