Imagine you went for a date with a person you hadn’t met before. And your date wore a paper bag on his/her head.He/She refused to show you his/her face.

That date refused to tell you anything about his/her past. Or let you into any information at all. Instead what he/she gave you was a resume.
A resume containing all the things achieved. A clinical, boring, resume.

Fine date to have, eh?

But surely, I’m joking.

Surely nobody would ever hide themselves in this fashion, on a date.
Or any meeting for that matter.
You think so?

Well, go to every website out there. Pick one at random.

Then go to the ‘About Us’ page.

No photo.
No personality.
No history.
Just the boring, clinical resume.

Nice, eh?

You want to hide yourself from your customers? Well, be my guest.
But don’t whine when you don’t get enough business.
As humans, we all want to know something about the other person. We want to see their faces, know their history, and get a feel for their personality. If you choose to hide your personality, good luck.

I have a supply of brown paper bags somewhere, that I’d give you.
But I suspect you already have your own.