Good question actually. And if you ever got to New Zealand, you’d know why. Perched in the far corner off the globe (and a chunky three-hour flight from Australia), New Zealand is just the place you want to be for peace of mind. And entrepreneurship.
But it’s not like we don’t take our holidays seriously
Most days, people head home in droves by 5pm. And if the wind’s right, we might be on the harbour at 3pm. Of course there’s the Christmas holidays, where the whole country goes on vacation, from about mid-December to almost February. And that’s the kind of country I like to live in.
I wasn’t born in New Zealand
I was born in Mumbai, India (formerly known as Bombay) and lived there for about 30 years of my life. And New Zealand with its 4 million people and 44 million sheep is exactly what I was looking for my whole life. Auckland is half-city, half-country (wellllll…that will get rolling eyes from most Kiwis, but hey, seeing where I came from this is ‘country’). And of course, it’s beautiful country. Amazing views, friendly people. And lots of wine. And barbecues. And sheep.
But what does wine and sheep have to do with marketing?
Admittedly not a lot, but it helps us retain our sanity as we go into a world that’s increasingly noisier each day. It’s way harder to get attention today than it’s ever been (and it ain’t going to get much better).
Almost like trying to get heard among 44 million sheep.
That’s what we’re about.
That’s what this website is about.
Getting heard despite the bleating.
Getting to expertise.
Getting to sanity in a place called New Zealand. Baa!
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