Sushi, is sushi, is sushi…right?

So how does a sushi company stand out in an increasingly crowded sushi marketplace? The sushi company simply creates, a point of difference; a uniqueness. So is it the strange name of St.Pierre’s odd enough to stand out? Apparently not. But what does make St.Pierre’s unique, is their ingredients.

Notice how every ingredient seems to be absolutely authentic. The word that St.Pierre’s seems to own is ‘authentic.’ Their nori, their wasabi, as well as the pickled ginger seems to be coming from some hallowed Japanese location. Even the soya sauce seems to  be authentic.

So yeah, they’ve done a great job of creating uniqueness
But that’s not the point of this post. Creating uniqueness is fine, but if you don’t propagate uniqueness, you’re doing diddly-squat. So what does St.Pierre’s do? They put this information on every paper napkin that’s handed out with a box of sushi.

Every napkin tells the same story. Time and time again.

And so every time you eat another bunch of wasabi-laden sushi rolls, you’re reminded about their uniqueness.

And their authenticity.

How Apple MacBook Air clearly defines the ‘problem’

So what’s super-unique about the Macbook Air?
It’s the ‘world’s thinnest notebook.’

And the advertisement very clearly defines the problem with a simple, arresting display.
Defining the problem needn’t be complex. If you are clear about the problem you’re solving, then it’s just a matter of props to get the message across.

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The Brain Audit Version 3.2: Releasing on July 1, 2008. Watch this space for details.

The Brain Audit

When I first gave the book a name, it just seemed like a nice name. A name that stood out. But over the years, that name has literally come to stand for everything we do at Psychotactics. That everything can be done in any ol’ fashion, but eventually must stand up to an audit.

What’s weird is that along the way, we found that the brain does think predictably.
And sequentially.
And that we could measure the response without any fancy electrodes 🙂

The Brain Audit started out as a bit of an interesting name. Now it’s a bit of a ‘Bible.’

Watch this space as the Brain Audit blog gets underway shortly.

From a rainy summer’s day,


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